It's Been A Minute...

I never want this space to feel like that lovely aunt that just doesn’t know how to carry a conversation. You know the one I’m talking about…as well intentioned as she is, she just doesn’t come up for air between thoughts and ideas.

 I really haven’t had anything worthwhile to say… until now.

 Two weeks ago our little cabin and much of the south was hit by wind storms. As I’m writing this, It is my sincere hope that you faired as well as we did. Nothing damaged.

 Sitting in our little cabin (without power because, well trees and the country) I was grateful that Mike had strapped the cabin down to its foundation.

 The next morning we woke to markedly colder temps. We woke to a change.

Coincidentally, I saw an interview with Tom Hanks. The interviewer asked Tom what he would have liked to tell his younger self. Tom answered, I would like to tell myself “this too shall pass”.

 Change is inevitable, all things change, wait…this too shall pass. That sentiment seems to be one of the few truths in our lives.

This month we are celebrating our children.

 One is graduating college with a degree in civil engineering, he has taken and passed his FE exam and already accepted a job at a firm.

 He will be moving away.

 Our other passed the Tennessee Bar exam and will be sworn in as a Tennessee lawyer tomorrow morning.

 My heart is bursting!

 I am holding on to this moment when I feel profoundly content, satisfied, and proud. Living in this moment, this second, this breath because I know the winds of change will come.

 Tomorrow someone will cut me off in traffic or my boss will want me to take on a new project at the last minute.

 I know that as Tom says “this too shall pass”.

 My challenge in this season of my journey is to live in the moment.

 Today…I am SO PROUD.


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