As a lover of nature, “The Trail” has become a sort of mantra for me.  

A dear friend sent me a Christmas card this week that was unlike the usual holiday cards I receive.

Of course, it was covered with lovely family pictures including their dog, well… because “FAMILY”.

It was the first line that grabbed my attention.  It was so poignant and truthful.  I had to capture it here in my little journal of sorts.

“Another beginning to an end as 2022 comes to a close”

Every trail I start has two things in common…A beginning and an end.

My favorite trails have a water fall at the end!! Or a summit, maybe some rock climbing?  Sometimes I just follow a rivers path through the valley to see where it leads.

Every trail I have ever traversed has had some sort of obstacle, big or small.  Something to overcome to reach the end. Something to make the end all that more worthwhile for the effort.

I have been known to follow time worn trails that are exactly mapped out.   I have also forged my own, new trails.

Some trails are long trails that are miles long.  Some trails last only a matter of hours, moments even.

My favorite companions on the trail are my husband, my grown children, and my dogs but sometimes, I have been known to walk the trail alone.

I have learned to embrace the solitude and be content.  I have learned not to be afraid.  I have learned to take one step at a time and to have confidence in my own abilities.

I am eternally trying to learn to enjoy each breath on the trail.

And of course, I always enjoy the celebratory glass of wine when I have successfully reached the end.  

I wonder, am I waxing poetic about just trails?  Or something bigger?

A beginning to an end.

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