Lessons learnEd

I spent this weekend riding in my familiar mountain get away.

It was during one of these trips just a few years ago that I first decided to write down many of my thoughts and feelings inspired by nature.

It has become a personal journal of sorts.  I have written more for myself than I have anyone else.

This weekend I have been taking inventory on what I have learned…how have I changed over this last few years. I thought I might document what I have learned.

From the trees…I have learned to stand tall.  To embrace who I am.  To bend and be flexible while still being firmly planted in my truth.

From the water… I have learned that change does not happen over night but is a slow constant friction that has the potential to polish away my edges and even eventually change my course.  Growth can take time and maybe even a lifetime.

From the rocks…I have learned what I can and cannot control.  Most important I can only control my own thoughts and feelings.  I cannot regulate outside forces.

From the path…I have learned the value of the journey.  Progress over perfection.  And the belief that the whole of the journey is important.

Just one more thing…I have learned that my journey is still ongoing.  How much growth will happen in the next two years is uncertain, but it will occur.

And most likely will take place while I am unaware contemplating nature.

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