Black and White

My dear friend and co-editor sent me an interesting idea.

Someone posted a question on a naturalist message board  concerning poison ivy.  Specifically, why don’t we eradicate it since it is a nuisance to so many.

While I make it a rule not to discuss politics and religion in this space, My views are not particularly secretive. Through the lens of current events this message gave me pause.

Putting aside whether we actually could eradicate poison ivy, (we can’t even get rid of kudzu) the question stands.  If poison ivy is such a nemesis to the peaceful enjoyment of nature then why shouldn’t we get rid of it?

I can sympathize with this question because I know people who have a violent reaction to poison ivy.

My problem with this question is that I have NO reaction to poison ivy.  Nope, not one.

I believe there is a huge danger in assuming a zero sum game.  The idea that all people fall under one umbrella.

When I was a child I believed in the concept of black and white with no room for gray areas. As an adult, I have come to realize that it is all “gray area”.

And it is not for me to judge someone else’s gray area.  I believe that is called “Free Will”.

To my dear friend, Starra!  Happy Birthday!  You are a true force.  I am glad to be your friend!

Lori ScatesComment