The Familiar

Nothing makes my Gypsy soul happier than having an anchor to the familiar. A place I continually return to. A “home”.

 It keeps me from wandering too far. It keeps me from becoming lost. It keeps me centered and grounded and it makes me feel safe.

 In order to understand our fellows…to develop empathy, we have to step away from our comfortable and be willing to put ourselves in their position.

 To walk a mile in their shoes.

 Like so many do, we spent some time this past week in a different place. A tourist area. And we did the “touristy” things.

 The theme park, the water park, the dinner show. We spent the week outside of our normal day to day.

 In short, we stepped away from the familiar to experience another’s familiar place.

 At the end of the week we landed in our weekend spot in East Tn.

 I have often thought of our little cabin as a weekend getaway. A different kind of anchoring post.

 However, I recognized that wash of familiarity when we entered the city limits.

 The bed I know and love. The quiet I have come to expect. And the shower that doesn’t dribble the water out.

 Another anchoring place?

 Maybe…until the Home Depot guy displayed a ridiculous amount of misogyny and blatant religious bias. Ignorance.

 Later today, we will travel home. The ultimate “familiar”.

 I have missed my puppies, I have missed my friends and my children. My tribe!

 I have missed my home.

 But I came away with an understanding of someone’s else’s reality. People who live different than myself. Someone who’s familiar is different from my own.

 Empathy for another’s experience. Without judgement.

 Home Depot guy notwithstanding.

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