Thank you

Often, I take my inspiration from nature around me.  I clear my mind and listen to the still voice inside.  Then I write as a way of ordering my thoughts, like journaling. 

In this past year, I have been concerned a lot with kindness and maturity.  Daily, I notice immature people who want to bully to get the outcome they desire.     When confronted with a differing opinion or a conflict, some resort to name calling and personal attacks… or pouting.

On my face book news feed this week was a very simple quote that has resonated with me.  I can not quote it exactly because sadly I did not save it.  It went something like: 

What was your favorite toy when you were growing up?                                        

LEGOS:  It helped me to realize we are all random pieces, It’s how we put ourselves together that make us a whole functioning human. 

I love that thought!  We are all the same.  We arrive in this life with thousands of random pieces.  But the responsibility remains on us to build our character.  It requires AWARENESS.

Pay attention to what works and what does not.  Allow your emotions to be the alarm and your mind to translate.

When things do not work (and there will always be things that don’t work) disassemble that piece and try again.

We will be tested.  How else will we know our strength of character?  How else will we know what to focus on? How else will we become aware?

To my dear friends enduring a season of testing, you are stronger than you know.  If you were not, you would not be able to stand under such weight.  Do not be afraid to let others walk with you for a while.  You are loved!

Today, I was gifted by a woman with a simple act of kindness that has restored my hope in the individual. I doubt she will ever know what that small act of kindness has meant to me.    

For more than an umbrella, THANK YOU!


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