
Today marks the beginning of one of the most beautiful journeys.

Today is the day my Grandmother was born. 

Today also marks the day we laid my sweet Grandmother’s ashes with my Grandfather.

My Grandmother Hazel and My Grandpa Charlie taught me the meaning of love, kindness, grace, and especially mercy.

 As an adult, I recognize their strength of character and love in a way that has colored my own home.

Hazel’s strength was hard earned.  She learned her lessons well.

She loved handbags and would often gift me one.   She would always tuck a dollar or two inside. To give and empty handbag was bad luck.

Inside her own bag, I vividly remember the scent of lavender on her beautiful handkerchief. Always with a flower embroidered.   I have purchased several through the years in her honor. 

I still have dreams of being in her home.  I can see it with exacting detail.  I dream of visiting her kitchen and looking through her “junk” drawer where all the best treasures were kept. 

To this day, I cannot look at a “Nilla” wafer without thinking of her.  

I still seek her advice and listen carefully when I hear her voice just before waking in the morning.

I am honored to call Hazel my Grandmother.  I am even more honored that she chose Charlie to be my Grandfather.

Today, I will raise a glass in my Grandmothers honor. I know that she sees me. I know that I am loved.

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