
For Mikes’ birthday we took a small break from our important work in East Tennessee and visited his best friend and her wonderful husband in Florida. 

They are so fortunate to live on a chanel that is just a few yards from the Gulf.  And they both Love to fish. 

As someone who gains so much energy from the “elements”: Earth, Wind, Fire and Water.  It’s the last one that I have a true love/hate relationship with.  

Nothing is as humbling as standing at the oceans shore. 

It is my sacred place. 

To be honest, I can swim as well as float; however,  there is a permanence to not being able to breath under water that frightens me like nothing else. 

So fishing…? 

“Many men go fishing all their lives not realizing it is more than fish they are after. “

         Henry David Thoreau 

Not being one to say “No” to any adventure, I went fishing.

And I caught a wonderful friendship of my own with an amazing woman!  

We had honest conversations and shared wonderful stories and laughed! 

And we both are fascinated by a particular “Netflix” docudrama just released about a particular big haired cult leader. 

I found someone I can respect.  Someone I can be myself with.  And (I suspect) someone who will lovingly challenge me when needed. 

I found a “Bestie”! 

Oh, and in case you are wondering…I also snagged a 3 foot shark.  :) 

Keep “Big Betty” warm…we will be back soon! And just in case you ever miss the call of the mountains…we are here! 

Love you! Definitely “5” Stars! 

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