The Soul

It has been said that the Samarai warrior’s soul lives in his sword.  

It is my personal belief,  where we decide to use our energy will carry a piece of that  energy forward long past our days…a piece of our soul. 

Perhaps that is why I am so strongly committed to the skyline’s I lovingly hand build from reclaimed barn wood.   

Mike and Mike have spent this past several weekends saving an old barn.  

First they had to clean out all of the treasures. Secondly, they set about saving it. 

It involved securing the foundation, properly resetting the four corners.  They had to shore up all of the internal beams that hold the roof.  And they re-leveled the second story lofts that held hay from decades ago. 

They had to contend with rats and snakes, the three puppies that just love to be with their dad,  multiple bee stings and even a trip to the emergency room that required stitches. 

It would have been so much easier just to knock it all down.  

But please understand, it was a labor of love.  

Our little barn was Once home to a little horse named STAR and BELL.   It housed (and will again) a little blue wagon and chickens.  And (judging by the countless empty containers) some little cats. 

Perhaps the soul of our little farm is in the old barn.

I think we will save this one. 

Much love, 

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