
Every great accomplishment stands on the shoulders of a thousand smaller accomplishments.

 We have various cameras on property at cow creek. Of course we have trail cameras that document the traffic (animal, blowing tree limbs, and human).

 As important as that is, there is always a delay in the pictures appearing on my phone.

 It has taken more than a year but we finally have internet in our little cabin. As a result we installed several ring cameras.

 If you have ring cameras you know that while they act similarly to trail cameras, additionally, they allow me to open the app and look at the view from my cabin’s front door in real time.

 Last week I watched a little bird land on the porch and drink the rest of the dog’s water I neglected to put away.

 Mental note: leave water out for the birds all the time.

 The ring camera gives me such a different view than my normal Monday through Friday view.

 To be fair, I love the view from my home. It is a suburban setting and I am grateful to be able to look at my beautiful crepe myrtles on either side of my front door (gifted by my generous neighbors across the street who had to move them). I am grateful to have a back yard with lovely peonies in bloom every spring. (Those were a gift from my husband) and the pool.

 This is the place I call home.

 But the property is a different perspective. I didn’t know I would come to love the cabin view as much as I do. It has become my home as well. Not better or worse, just another.

 We are all colored by our own front door view. But that view is not universally the same.

 We shouldn’t judge people when we can’t begin comprehend the view from their front door view.

What’s that saying? “But by the grace of god…”

 Much Love,

Lori ScatesComment