“Green acres”

“You are my wife, good bye city life!”

My sweet friend Helen suggested that my weekend trips to the property reminded her of the sitcom “Green Acres”. 

And if you think about it…

Every weekend I leave behind my fashion and all the wonderful shoes I love so much.   I leave behind television and internet, although we are working on internet.  

I leave behind my neighbors and friends.  I leave behind  great sushi restaurants and conveniences of living in a big city. 

Good bye city life. 

I trade all that in temporarily for a pair of muck boots my husband gifted me,  (They have been a life saver) my gun and holster (because of wild pigs), and my cabin that I love so much! 

My cabin has all of the necessities I need and many luxuries I think I need.  Maybe even a lovely “Trapp” candle or two. 

I get to take walks with my puppies and scratch their heads.  I get to pick wildflowers and spend time cooking food.  All with a glass of wine.  

I get to contemplate people and stories that predate me by hundreds of years. 

And just recently I accepted a new task,  I get to help mow all the grass with a really cool, enormous, zero turn mower! 

No, I do not climb on top of the cabin to make a telephone call…but maybe if I got a better signal.

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